For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
We all have something to offer in the way of service. Sometimes, when that word gets used in church, people freak out thinking they're going to have to teach a class or something!
There are SO MANY different ways to serve that this page wouldn't be enough to list them all. We will list some of the larger teams where you can plug in, test it out, and then decide if that's the place for you. If you don't like it, there are many other places to explore. We believe that church should be that safe place where 'test driving' service areas is not a bad thing.
If you don't see an area where you'd like to serve, come talk with us, and see if there's a new opportunity for service that God has put on your heart. We'll explore it together, see if it lines up with our vision and mission, and then go from there!
There are SO MANY different ways to serve that this page wouldn't be enough to list them all. We will list some of the larger teams where you can plug in, test it out, and then decide if that's the place for you. If you don't like it, there are many other places to explore. We believe that church should be that safe place where 'test driving' service areas is not a bad thing.
If you don't see an area where you'd like to serve, come talk with us, and see if there's a new opportunity for service that God has put on your heart. We'll explore it together, see if it lines up with our vision and mission, and then go from there!

Volunteer Teams
Sunday Ministry Teams
Parking Ministry, Door Greeters, Room Greeters, Ushers, FBC Kids, Student Ministry, Coffee/Hospitality, Worship Team, Security Team
Mid-Week Teams
Valley Mission Team - Wednesday, Thursday
Commodity Delivery Team - Days Vary
Student Ministry Team - Wednesday Evening
Office Admin Team - Days Vary
Commodity Delivery Team - Days Vary
Student Ministry Team - Wednesday Evening
Office Admin Team - Days Vary
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
It's a simply act of obedience. To serve is to be like Christ in all things. He came to serve, not to be served. We believe that's what church must be in order for us to reach those looking for hope, help and healing.
And don't worry if you don't fit in your first try. We encourgage trying different areas of interest until you find your fit.
And don't worry if you don't fit in your first try. We encourgage trying different areas of interest until you find your fit.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
We make it simple. Either fill out the communication card on Sunday and drop it in the plate or offering box and we'll connect you to the right people. OR, simply fill out the form below and we'll get it routed to the right people.
How do I volunteer with kids?
We take our FBCKids ministry very seriously here. People are encourage to apply and serve if they have a passion to serve in this area. All applicants must go through a backhground check before being scheduled on the teams. You can speak directly with either Kristie Hess or Gina Patterson and they can answer more of the details for you.
How do I volunteer with music?
Rehearsals are every Tuesday night from 6:00 pm until about 7:30 pm. Rehearsals are open, so you're welcome to come and observe or join in. There is an audition packet for vocals and instrumentalists so we can get to know you fairly quickly.
How do I volunteer with students?
As with our Kids ministry, we take our students safety very seriously. All applicants will need to go through a background check before serving on either the Sunday or Wednesday teams. There are opportunities to be host homes for events, activities, etc., as well. You can speak with either Charles or Katie Monroe for the specifics.